We would suggest you to optimize your business page to show up the presence on google search and which would be helpful to you to show up in better search results.

We would like to give you a few suggestions on how to increase the traffic of your business listing on search and on maps

  • Get reviews : Reviews play an important role on the business listing.I would recommend you get more reviews on your business listing and suggest your customer to leave a review after you have served the customers.
  • Add photos: Appealing pictures can show potential customers that your business offers what they’re searching for. Businesses with recent photos typically receive more clicks to their website.
  • Register to Messaging:  You can chat directly with the customers from the Google My Business app once people search for your listing on Maps
  • Add Posts: Posts will be directly posted on the Search engine.Example:  If you have an offer for the week,you can directly create a post and that will be posted on the maps for a span of 1 week.